May 5, 2007
Mastori's Restaurant, Bordentown NJ

A few of us met May 5 in Bordentown, N.J., to enjoy each others' company. All names are left to right.

g2007-1 (26K)
Anita Donovan and Bobbie Rivere exhange notes.

g2007-2 (31K)
Lynn Miller chats with Anita's daughter Heather.

g2007-3 (31K)
George Brent enjoys his lunch. Next to him is Anita.

g2007-4 (31K)
Bobbie, Bob Rivere and Elizabeth, Maria and George Brent's daughter.

g2007-5 (30K)
Maria Rose Brent, who orangized the get-together.

g2007-6 (29K)
Jane and John Reid

g2007-7 (30K)
Anita in a rare moment of repose.